Whether you live paycheck to paycheck or you have a disposable income, there is no doubt that receiving child support is an invaluable help in taking care of your children after a divorce. At the law offices of Hall Ricketts Gurbacki, P.C., we understand that many New York parents with primary custody have questions about child support once they begin receiving the money. Can my ex tell me how to spend child support or demand receipts, you may wonder? Will the court monitor my spending? Understandably, these questions may have you concerned.
According to FindLaw, the family law courts will not keep tabs on your child support spending, nor is your ex-spouse entitled to dictate your spending or receive receipts. As you may already know, this money is meant for your children’s physical and emotional well-being. You may choose to spend the money on essentials like food, clothing and medicine. Since it is necessary to provide your children a safe and comfortable place to live, expenses such as rent and utilities are also acceptable ways to spend child support. You can also spend it on school supplies, tuition, tutoring and extracurricular activities.
It is also important to create happy memories with your children. As such, it is not unreasonable to use child support for a birthday gift, movie ticket, restaurant meal or other fun things to do with your family.
Family law matters can be complex and emotional, as our page explains. It is often necessary to seek experienced counsel.