Have you ever thought about what will happen to you in the future if you become ill or are unable to speak for yourself? These are not pleasant things to think about, but it can be beneficial to start thinking about what types of care you may want. Through certain estate planning documents, you can outline your preferences and provide yourself and loved ones with peace of mind.
Health care issues are complicated, and you may not sure what you want. Because of the sensitive nature of these matters, you will find it beneficial to speak with legal and medical professionals about health care planning. When it comes to your body and your medical needs, you have the right to have a say in what happens. No matter your age or health status, this is a smart step.
The two things you may need
There are two specific documents that you may need as you consider the type of care you could want in the future: a health care power of attorney and a living will. These two tools work in conjunction to provide you with the maximum amount of control over potential future medical needs. The differences between these documents are as follows:
- Power of attorney for health care – This document allows you to name a specific person to make medical decisions on your behalf in case you are unable to speak for yourself. This pertains to matters that you do not specifically mention in your living will.
- Living will – This document allows you to specifically spell out what types of care you do and do not want in the future. You can mention things such as life preservation techniques, blood transfusions and more.
When you have these things, you reduce the chance that your loved ones will have to experience the difficult process of making important and potentially life-altering decisions on your behalf.
Guidance for the future
You will find it beneficial to work with a New York attorney who can help you make choices that make sense now and well into the future. When it comes to drafting these important estate planning documents, you do not have to walk through it alone. An assessment of your case, goals and objectives for the future can give you a clear picture of the most appropriate way forward.